Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Okay, okay!!! ;)

So, as ya'll have noticed I am not the most devoted blogger. BUT I do look at your blogs-that sounded a little creepy...totally NOT meant to be creepy. And I love to do so, so I thought I should return the favor. Alrighty, here goes:

Well, I am OFFICIALLY in the English Education program here at BYU. To your right is me "Jumping for Joy" with my acceptance letter! Woot! This looks like a care free picture, right? WRONG! Little did you know it took about 20 pictures before we got this one. (I have a very patient roommate! )

OH! As of February 28th I became an old lady. I lost my title of "teen" and am now a "grown-up" (Meaning I turned 20) I seriously had some issues with this. I wasn't ready to be a "grown-up"- I still call my momma every single day, for heaven's sake! With this monumental birthday I felt like I should buy a walker and some hearing aids...and possibly dye my hair that weird purple/blue white color. (why do those poor little ladies do that?!? Don't they know that it ages them a hundred years and make them a thousand times more non-fashion savvy?!) However, I have now been a very mature "grown-up" for a month now and I no longer feel that I should buy grandma stuff. When people ask how old I am, I can proudly say I am 20 (even though I sometimes forget and say 17...don't ask me why) and all of a sudden I am WAY cool. Without the tag of "teen" attached to my name I have sooooo much credential which makes me look sooooo sagacious! Rockin
(Oh and if you haven't noticed, I was using a slightly sarcastic tone! :) )

But for my birthday, my parents came out to visit! It was SOOO rocking! They are seriously the coolest people in the world-hilarious and slightly insane! :) My dad had the fabulous idea that we should go snowmobiling while he and my momma were up in Utah. Let me just say, "BEST IDEA EVER" and "You seriously need to do this before you die-it is amazing!" My brother, Mark, and his wife, Steph, also came so it was a very jolly lot! We went on a little tour thing for 3 hours that brought us...really high up (I can't remember the exact height). Way fun! Here's a pciture of the five of us at one of the stops!