Thursday, December 8, 2011

Magical Mom Move

You know who when you were little and you lost something but could never find it?  You searched positively high and low. Under the couch. In your Barbie house.  Under the piles of clothes in your closet. In the junk drawer. EVERYWHERE!!! Then, in frustration you come to your mom and whine about how you can't find it. Two seconds later she magically finds the item on her first try, making you look foolish because you had in fact looked in that very same spot extensively. I always wondered how my mom did it.  It was magical and I was jealous of her super power.

But, guess what!

I DID IT!!!  I did the Magical Mom Move - only it was finding something for my husband and not a kid but it was still epic!

Mason dug through our "baking" cupboard for 5 minutes trying to find olive oil. He then exclaimed that he couldn't find it anywhere and that we must be out.  I sauntered over, looked in the cupboard, put my hand in, and pulled out our nice big bottle of olive oil.

It's the little things, you know? The seemingly insignificant things like the Magical Mom Move that makes your day legendary.


Edda Phillips said...

hahaha "sauntered over". Love it. :) And this is only the beginning, my dear. Only the beginning...