Friday, March 8, 2013

Slice of Life: Impromptu Date

My poor hubby is stressed out because of all the things he has to do, and he just hasn't been his normal chipper self. Well, tonight that changed! Randomly Mason said, "I'm going out to get food. Are you coming?" ... "Um, okay? Is everything okay?" "Yes, I'm just hungry, cold, and stressed."

A few minutes later we were on the road headed towards JCWs. (YUM!) We ordered our food and ate. Then we just sat there, neither wanting to go back home. So we sat and talked. I munched on some ice. We snooped at a first date couple (She TOTALLY got all cutesy for the guy and he just wore a t-shirt. Lame). Then we decided we still didn't want to go home so Mason ordered us a fudge and banana shake. Drool-icious! I was already so full but I just had to eat some of that yummy shake, hurt as it might!  I think Mason was feeling the same way because we both ate until we were sick. We still didn't want to go home.  We were just having so much fun snooping at that awkward little couple, picking out the cutest kids in the restaurant, watching the hockey game, and chatting away.  It was wonderful!!!

Finally, though, we decided we should go home so Mason could work on his homework. Boo.  The drive home was just as fun as the restaurant had been! We were laughing, talking, reminiscing, and quoting our favorite youtube videos and movies. Then, Aerosmith's "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" came on. You know how he always ends each line swooping up in pitch? Well, we started out just singing those words to make fun of the swoop. And then we sang a few more lines. Until finally, we were belting out that song like nobody's business! We were sing/yelling that sucker so loud, laughing so hard and having a blast.  We were having so much fun, in fact that when we got to our apartment we kept driving around the block. We couldn't quit before his epic screaming bit at the end!!! Obviously!

You know, sometimes marriage gets fairly monotonous. Sometimes you get so comfortable in the normal rhythm that you forget to have fun. Sometimes you forget how much fun you can have together. Don't let that lapse in memory stay. You have to remind yourself how happy he makes you. Sometimes you just need a good, spontaneous date and sing-a-long to get you back into the routine of having fun!

Take the time to do that! I promise, you will NOT regret it :)


Edda Phillips said...

So Cute! And you are absolutely right - it is so important to be silly and spontaneous to keep your marriage happy and fun! Love you guys!!