Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Slice of Life: Mehhhh

Do you ever have days where you are just feeling a little "meh?"  I am having one of those days and it's driving me crazy! I have been so tired today so that contributes to my meh-ness a lot, but I am still annoyed. I taught a 7th grade English class this morning and I think it bombed. Not like it was "the bomb" but genuinely bombed, tanked, crashed and burned. Then, I came home and instead of getting some homework done I watched Malcolm in the Middle until my doctor's appointment. Now, I just woke up from a three hour nap, I feel hungover, and I am avoiding homework.  The only problem when I avoid homework is that I get bummed out about doing anything - nothing sounds good to do because I know I should be doing my homework.  So I keep thinking, "Hmmm, maybe I'll perk up after looking at pinterest for a few minutes...That didn't work? Weird. How about my blogs I follow? Still meh." This goes on and on. I am so bogged down with the thought that I should be doing homework that I can't even motivate myself to do productive things around the house. So I just sit and stare and wish my homework would magically disappear...

Okay, that's enough of that. It's time for me to do homework! I honestly think I will get out of my meh mood once I do it and I would LOVE to not feel meh! It's kind of boring and stressful.

In other news, I am going to be a mommy in 10 weeks! Whaaaaaaaaaa? Where has the time gone?