Monday, March 11, 2013

Slice of Life: Nesting

(This was from saturday...)

Today I worked like a banshee. Perhaps a little too much... BUT I got soooo much done and that feels delightful! When Mason came home and saw what I had done he was like, "Um, are you nesting?" I said "No! That's ridiculous.  I was just working around the house." Then the next day I was telling my sister in law a portion of the things I did and she exclaimed, "Wow! You are TOTALLY nesting." Huh, I guess I was/am. Whether I was nesting or just being productive, though, it was a great day.  Here are some of the things I did:

1. Read (I haven't read for enjoyment in ages!)
2. Assembled Emy's crib
3. Moved a TON of stuff into our storage closet AND organised our storage closet
4. Swept my bathroom and kitchen floors (How is it that I am STILL finding dog kibble when I sweep my kitchen...we don't own a dog...)
5. Scrubbed my kitchen and bathroom floor (hands and knees style)
6. Moved my shoe trunk across the room
7. Changed my sheets
8. Folded and put away a bazillion items of clothing
9. Cleaned the potty
10. Had a bag filled with Mason's power drill and saw fall on my head
11. Rearranged my kitchen table
12. Had friends over that night
13.  Cleaned my kitchen
14. Did dishes (But, they are still in the dishwasher waiting to be put away...SHH!)

I didn't even get everything I wanted to done! I did, however, pull a muscle on my stomach somehow and messed up my back again. My back got all pinched up so bad that I couldn't move that night. Not good.  And definitely not good for a pregnant lady.  But, don't ya worry - Emy has been moving around MORE these last few days so I am taking that as a good sign.